Friday, October 29, 2010

My New Adjustable Sitting - Standing Desk!

A desk where you can sit OR stand?? What a concept..!

My best friend told me about a desk which is adjustable that is widely used in Germany and in Europe. I was definitely interested in this, since lately I have been experiencing a lot of sitting issues due to the number of hours that I spend working in front of a computer.

I'm still young enough - in my late twenties - and really I should not be having these kinds of aches and least in my opinion :) However, with the long hours of working constantly which sometimes range from 12 to 14 to 16 hours a day - I can see why I am getting these issues from hunching over with not the best posture.

Thus the search began. I work from home and so having something that will help me, especially with the long hours that I work, this was a top priority!
However, I also had to find something that could fit within my budget.

When I first started looking I saw desks starting in the $2000 to $4000 and up range and I started to get really discouraged

There were a few sites that I was looking at:

Anthro: anthro adjustable desk - However, they were looking to be a bit too high in price

Geekdesk was another one. Much more afordable - with two options. The original geek desk - desk is Huge!! for 799 + Shipping/Taxes and the Geek Desk mini for 749 + Shipping/taxes

I corresponded with their customer service via email and they were really friendly and helpful, however the only drawback was that they did not ship to Canada. So I kept searching.

Finally I came upon Ergo Depot and they just came out with new adjustable desks!!
And the price was a lot better and within what I was willing to look at:

I ended up getting the AD17 since that is all I really needed for my home office which was 595$. I paid extra to get a rectangular table top and they shipped to Canada. I was actually their first Canadian customer, but they were great in working to get it to me. It took a couple weeks longer than expected due to having to get it through customs and have a broker, but all in all - wonderful service.

The desk ended up being just under $1000 with the upgrades, taxes and shipping costs. The shipping was quite high since I was in Canada - so for those in the States, even better since your cost will be a LOT lower than mine. Yes, it is a bit pricy for a desk and more than what I would normally pay - but considering the health benefits, it's worth it.

It was pretty easy to assemble, and the motor runs really smoothly to adjust it to different levels. I now have an adjustable sitting standing desk and it does a world of wonder for me!

Even when i'm sitting it can be adjusted to just the right level so that my arms are in the right place, and my chair is effective. I have a Herman Miller Embody - which is MUCH better with a desk that also fits me!! :)

Here is a picture of the desk!! - Definitely recommend it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Somthing Majestic

Have you ever felt as if time was just whizzing by you?

One day - you might feel as if you are in total control. You know where you are going and feel fairly confident of what the plan of your day, week and next few years hold for you.

Then something or someone comes in and just sweeps the rug from under you...and guess what? You are there on your bottom, rubbing your sore behind..thinking. What just happened...? :) Where did the time go? I thought my life was going fine and it was all planned out, but how did I end up here?

Okay, well maybe that is a little dramatic. (But then again maybe not! :))

What i'm reflecting on today is that life is so short. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, because once Monday work morning rolls around, we end up wishing our lives away thinking "awww..why can't it be Friday already?"

Well, why don't we try something new today and be thankful.

Thankful that we are alive today...that we are breathing, that we have homes and cozy beds. Thankful that we have families who love us and friends who would get up in the middle of the night if we needed them.

Thankful that we have a God who loves us unconditionally no matter where we've gone or what we've done. That even when we aren't the nicest people, or we judge others, or just are plain mean or grumpy...that even through all of that we have hope because we have a God who loves us unconditionally and will forgive us if we bite down on our pride and ask for forgiveness.

It's a day to be grateful. Even if you don't believe in God - there is something wonderful about the creations around us and that we are alive and wonderful. That if you look at a baby or into a child's eyes that you know that there is something just so majestic in those little fingers.

So even if you feel as if you've lost your a big way or even in a little way. There is hope. Jesus just wants me to write this because you need to hear it.

There is hope. No matter what situation you are going through. He always does good for those who love Him and He will never let you go. You have a purpose and you are needed. Don't let go.

Be thankful...because I am thankful that you are here. That you are reading this post by some chance and thankful that you are you. and you were created so wonderfully and that you are loved.

Much love always..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What is it that I love when i love you?

"what is it that I love when I love you? ... In a sense I do love light and melody and fragrance and food and embrace when I love my God - the light and the voice and the fragrance and the food and embrace in the soul which no place can contain, I breathe that fragrance which no wind scatters, and I lie in that embrace which satiety never comes to sunder. This is that I love when I love my God" - St. Augustine ♥

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sensitive Hearts

"The sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation" 2 Corinthinans 7-10

Here is a reading/sharing from the book: Moses - A Man of Selfless Dedication:

Can you name people today who seem to listen carefully to God - people whose hearts are especially sensitive to the Holy spirit?

I can almost guarantee that those are men and women who know what it is like to be broken and bruised . They have the scars to prove it.

Perhaps as you read these words you bear the marks of a carnal week, day after day in which you have gone your own way and grieved the Spirit of God. And now you come to these pages with desperation to change in your heart - to learn from God and renew your fellowship with Him.

Do you realize what has happened?

Your failure has give you a sensitive and teachable spirit. It has broken the pride barrier in your life. It is what Paul called "a godly sorrow"


Funnily enough, I read this from passage from a book and it exactly describes where I am. In one sense I have a sorrow that is in my heart from the ups and downs in the last few days, however I realize that in it, that the barrier has come down.

I am in a place where I truly want to spend time with my friends and family who truly love me and care. To seek God's heart again and delve into the mystery of his heart and his true love.

To just rest in His arms of love and know that everything will be ok, because even in adversity, he teaches us and makes us strong.

I pray that God will continue to mold you and I so that we can hear His voice clearly and to love, with pure hearts

Friday, July 9, 2010

Be Generous and Do Good - Galatians 6:6-9

" Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.

Do not be decieved, God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows of the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart"


My dearest friends, in my heart today, I feel so much that it is a day to be thankful. Thankful for the love that we have in our lives and the people who are our true friends that God has given us.

Let us rejoice in the good things that He has provided us. That he comforts us in times of pain and leads us towards that path that will lead us to become better people.

THANK YOU to my friends that have made my life better. I'm sorry for the times that i've allowed work and other activities allow me to become so busy to stop and say thank you and to spend time together. I hope truly that we will get some more bonding time and share some more great memories togethr

Much love always!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello Friends - Let's make a pact, to try to make the world a better place - one little step at a time...

So - I'm new to blogging, but thought that I would try it out :) If you have some time, check out our new website

As you can see from the title of this blog, I'm just a normal girl, hoping that the world will be a little friendlier and that somehow, maybe in my little way that I could maybe make a difference to make someone's day better.

Today was one of those days that was filled with disappointments here and there. Nothing major or heart wrenching, but it makes me realize how fallible we all are in our own ways. By no means am I near perfect, and sometimes I wish I wasn't so affected by outside forces or what other people might say. But to be honest, I was saddened when after much work to try to make people's day better to get a malicious comment back. Sometimes I don't understand how or why people are mean for no apparent reason.

But then I realize, that in some ways that we are all a little broken inside, and ultimately, we all seek love and to be accepted. Throughout my "tender" years, I've learned a lot. From the days of backstabbing friends in school, to finding some really amazing friends that I would actually call family instead, because I know that they would have my back no matter what.

I am truly thankful for that. To have friends who love me that much and would get out of bed in the middle of the night to help me if I was in trouble. It's comforting. Yet I know that it is not the norm and a lot of us are lonely out there, wondering if we can really trust those around us.

Then that brings us the topic of love once again. Sometimes I find living in North America where we have every comfort at our fingertips, media, electronics. "The land of opportunity".

Yet - we are very isolated. We don't really talk to our neighbours and even if our family or friends live close by, we don't even make the effort to say hello or take them out to coffee. We seem to be so wrapped up in our own lives and about how we can get a head in life, or how to make more money to buy new things, that we forget about our own family and friends. We forget to reach out a helping hand.

I think for myself, I need to improve in that area. To make small differences where I can. To show love in little ways and to brighten someone's day. I realize sometimes that I am sometimes selfish and I can always try to be a little brighter each day.

So what about it dear readers - will you join me in trying to make someone's day a little brighter?

If you have a story to share on how you made someone's day brighter, please leave a comment to share!