Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello Friends - Let's make a pact, to try to make the world a better place - one little step at a time...

So - I'm new to blogging, but thought that I would try it out :) If you have some time, check out our new website

As you can see from the title of this blog, I'm just a normal girl, hoping that the world will be a little friendlier and that somehow, maybe in my little way that I could maybe make a difference to make someone's day better.

Today was one of those days that was filled with disappointments here and there. Nothing major or heart wrenching, but it makes me realize how fallible we all are in our own ways. By no means am I near perfect, and sometimes I wish I wasn't so affected by outside forces or what other people might say. But to be honest, I was saddened when after much work to try to make people's day better to get a malicious comment back. Sometimes I don't understand how or why people are mean for no apparent reason.

But then I realize, that in some ways that we are all a little broken inside, and ultimately, we all seek love and to be accepted. Throughout my "tender" years, I've learned a lot. From the days of backstabbing friends in school, to finding some really amazing friends that I would actually call family instead, because I know that they would have my back no matter what.

I am truly thankful for that. To have friends who love me that much and would get out of bed in the middle of the night to help me if I was in trouble. It's comforting. Yet I know that it is not the norm and a lot of us are lonely out there, wondering if we can really trust those around us.

Then that brings us the topic of love once again. Sometimes I find living in North America where we have every comfort at our fingertips, media, electronics. "The land of opportunity".

Yet - we are very isolated. We don't really talk to our neighbours and even if our family or friends live close by, we don't even make the effort to say hello or take them out to coffee. We seem to be so wrapped up in our own lives and about how we can get a head in life, or how to make more money to buy new things, that we forget about our own family and friends. We forget to reach out a helping hand.

I think for myself, I need to improve in that area. To make small differences where I can. To show love in little ways and to brighten someone's day. I realize sometimes that I am sometimes selfish and I can always try to be a little brighter each day.

So what about it dear readers - will you join me in trying to make someone's day a little brighter?

If you have a story to share on how you made someone's day brighter, please leave a comment to share!

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