Monday, July 12, 2010

Sensitive Hearts

"The sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation" 2 Corinthinans 7-10

Here is a reading/sharing from the book: Moses - A Man of Selfless Dedication:

Can you name people today who seem to listen carefully to God - people whose hearts are especially sensitive to the Holy spirit?

I can almost guarantee that those are men and women who know what it is like to be broken and bruised . They have the scars to prove it.

Perhaps as you read these words you bear the marks of a carnal week, day after day in which you have gone your own way and grieved the Spirit of God. And now you come to these pages with desperation to change in your heart - to learn from God and renew your fellowship with Him.

Do you realize what has happened?

Your failure has give you a sensitive and teachable spirit. It has broken the pride barrier in your life. It is what Paul called "a godly sorrow"


Funnily enough, I read this from passage from a book and it exactly describes where I am. In one sense I have a sorrow that is in my heart from the ups and downs in the last few days, however I realize that in it, that the barrier has come down.

I am in a place where I truly want to spend time with my friends and family who truly love me and care. To seek God's heart again and delve into the mystery of his heart and his true love.

To just rest in His arms of love and know that everything will be ok, because even in adversity, he teaches us and makes us strong.

I pray that God will continue to mold you and I so that we can hear His voice clearly and to love, with pure hearts

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